Presentation in Washington DC
On August 31, Dr. Shigematsu, an executive board member of Institute of Square-stepping Exercise (ISSE), had presented his research results in Washington DC, United States of America.
International Conference on Emerging Issues in Safe and Sustainable Mobility for Older Persons was held from August 30 to September 1. His presentation was accepted for oral session.
The title was "Effects of training in cognitive exercises on mobility among the elderly."
During the discussion time, he received several questions and responded to them. He also got good suggestions from audience. Further, ISSE received many inquiries, which might have been from the audience.
However, ISSE is not going to spread the SSE program in USA now. We are also sorry to say that we currently do not sell our mats outside of Japan.
If we do commence overseas sales in the near future we will definitely let you know.